The COVID-19 pandemic has left many struggling with their own mental health. Psychometrician Jeanne Elaine T. Cruz shares these tips to cope with the pandemic
1. Regulate the amount and nature of news you receive about the pandemic. You have no obligation to constantly monitor the development of all news stories about the virus.
2. Be mindful when searching for additional information on the Internet. Do not drown yourself in fear-mongering headlines and controversial clickbait articles.

3. In a time when many things are out of our control, be responsible for the things that are in your control. Encourage your household to do their part by washing your hands, practicing social distancing, exercising responsibly, and keeping yourselves physically and mentally healthy.
Also Read: 8 Ways to Help in Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic While on Quarantine
4. Be sensitive to others’ headspace and emotional resilience. Do not send fatalistic messages of hopelessness (no matter how “true), we are already aware of the bleakness of the situation.
5. In case of feeling like you’re spiraling into despair and anxiety, maintain and follow routines that would make you feel safe and calm. They do not have to be big and productive: something as simple as painting, writing, cooking, etc., as long as you enjoy them and they allow you to slow down.
6. When encouraging others, do not fake positivity by telling them to “cheer up”. These are trying times, accompanied by trying feelings. Validate their feelings and offer to listen when you can.
7. Try to live instead of just surviving. Keep a sense of normalcy and continue to do things that make you feel positive and safe. Listen to music at a pleasant volume, entertain children with board games, tell stories, pray together. Do not be afraid to plan and hope for the future: these hard times will not last forever.